Buy Miles and More from 0,66cent/mile
Miles and More can not only be earned when flying with a Star Alliance member.
You will also get Miles and More when you rent a car, stay at a hotel and even shopping. Miles and More partners can be found here.
Furthermore, you can sometimes “buy” cheap miles with different subscriptions, like magazines. Those can be of an excellent value, we have listed the best ones below.
The best way to redeem your miles for flights is via the “Meilenschnäppchen” website, where you can book award flights for a reduced amount of miles. These offers change every month.
Some of these subscriptions needs to be purchased via PAYBACK, those points can be transferred 1:1 to Miles and More. Here’s a tutorial how to create a free Payback card and how to transfer your points. If you live in Germany you can also apply for a free American Express Payback card, that gives you 1000 points/miles on top for free.
Subscriptions ordered per cent/mile.
- 0,66 cent/mile with Audible by Amazon, pay 9,99€ for a new contract and get 1.500 Miles and More. The first month is for free, starting the second month it cost 9,99€ per month, but it can be cancelled after that month if you don’t need the subscription.
- 0,80 cent/mile with DAZN (sport streaming), pay 11,99€ for a new contract and get 1.500 Miles and More. The first month is for free, starting the second month it cost 11,99€ per month, but it can be cancelled after that month if you don’t need the subscription.
- 1,00 cent/mile with Apple Music, pay 9,99€ for a new contract and get 1.000 Miles and More. The first month 3 months are for free, starting the fourth month it cost 9,99€ per month, but it can be cancelled after that month if you don’t need the subscription.
- 1,22 cent/mile with Bunte (magazine), pay 202,80€ for a 1-year subscription and get 16.610 Miles and More. The subscription will be renewed every year if you do not cancel it. Via Payback.
- 1,22 cent/mile with Focus (magazine), pay 244,40€ for a 1-year subscription and get 20.130 Miles and More. The subscription will be renewed every year if you do not cancel it. You can’t use the subscription for yourself, but it is ok if someone out of your household subscribes. Via Payback.
- 1,27 cent/mile with Bild der Wissenschaft (magazine), pay 127,40€ for a 1-year subscription and get 10.070 Miles and More. The subscription will be renewed every year if you do not cancel it. Via Payback.
More magazines are available with which you can earn Miles, they can be found here. However, those miles cost more than 1,30 cent/mile. But it is for sure worth considering if you would buy one of those magazine subscriptions anyway.
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