Buy IHG points with 100% bonus
IHG Rewards Club is offering a 100% bonus when you buy at least 7,000 points in one transaction.
Thx to Onemileatatime
Offer available for purchases made between 12:00 AM ET Sept 16, 2019 and 11:59 PM ET Sept 24, 2019 inclusive. This is an exclusive, non-transferable offer for intended recipient only and may not be forwarded. Bonus points will be awarded upon completion of the transaction. Bonus points will be awarded to the recipient of the points purchase. Offer is subject to change. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer.
Price includes all applicable fees. Purchased Points are not refundable and are applicable toward all IHG® Rewards Club awards. Members may purchase a maximum of 100,000 points per calendar year and receive as a gift a maximum of 100,000 points per calendar year. Please allow 72 hours for points to post and appear in the recipient’s account. All other IHG® Rewards Club Terms and Conditions apply
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