AIR FRANCE and FLEXFLY allow you to buy and to sell your non-refundable flight tickets.
How it works
You bought a non-refundable flight ticket on the Air France website and you do not want or can not travel anymore? Many reasons can prevent you from traveling.
Your money is not necessarily lost!
Air France presents FlexFly , the platform for reselling and buying airline tickets in complete safety. On FlexFly, you can post an ad to resell your ticket. If your ticket is of interest to a buyer, FlexFly pays you a reward of up to 50% of the price of the airline ticket (the remaining 50% is used to pay FlexFly and the airlines) .
As the name “non-refundable ticket” says already, you usually don’t get any money back in case you are not able to fly anymore.
With FLEXFLY however you get an opportunity to get cash back, if someone buys your ticket. The seller get’s 50% of the airline ticket, the rest represents the discount offered to the buyer as well as fees for the airline. It’s still a bit unclear how much discount is offered to the buyer, it seems that AirFrance will decide that.
But you have the chance to get up to 50% back of your ticket , which is much better then nothing, and the buyer may get a cheap ticket.
I think that’s a clever idea, and could be a win win situation for everyone, but the success will depend on how much discount AirFrance and Flexfly will offer on those tickets.
Update (2)
Well FLEXFLY is now offline, it seems that this was only a experimatation phase, even though that wasn’t mentioned anywhere. the homepage says now:
“The experimentation phase of FlexFly is coming to an end, we are studying the interest of this platform to consider it’s deployment.”
I still think it’s a great idea, let’s see if Airfrance thinks the same way 😉
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Danish Khan
Thanks for this information but my question is how to buy airline tickets online?
Non-refundable does not mean you don’t get any money back. In Europe the airline had to pay back the taxes specific to the ticket (not the car but flight taxes) and the pet passenger airport charges, since these don’t occur to the airline of you don’t fly.
Yes but those taxes are not up to 50% of the ticket price ;).