Business class Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid to Mauritius 1438€, Alitalia Flash Sale !!
- Business class Paris to Mauritius 1439€ with Alitalia, you have to book via the Alitalia Homepage HERE, and use the promo code: red20fr to get 20% off.
- Business class Amsterdam to Mauritius 1438€ with Alitalia, you have to book via the Alitalia Homepage HERE, and use the promo code: red20nl to get 20% off.
- Business class Madrid to Mauritius 1438€ with Alitalia, you have to book via the Alitalia Homepage HERE, and use the promo code: red20es to get 20% off.
You have to book before February 13, and flights must be flown between February 19 and April 15.
Best availability is in March and April.
Use Google Flights HERE, to choose your flight , the one with 1800€ will be 1439€ after using the promo code.
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