Business class USA to Mumbai 2040$ incl 5* Hotel (1740$ without Hotel)
With Skyteam in business class for 2040$ including a 5* Hotel for a one-week stay for 2 persons.
You can get the price down to 1740$ if you only want to stay 3 days in the cheapest hotel. You may stay longer as three days in Mumbai of course and choose that hotel you want 😉
Here’s an example from Boston, dates April 7-14 for the flight, and April 7-10 for the Hotel:
If you would book only the flight without Hotel, it would cost you close to or even over 3000$ per person, depending on your point of departure.
Possible cities of departure
Boston, Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Atlanta… There are for sure some more within the United States.
Prices vary (around 300$) depending on your point of departure.
How to book this Deal
This awesome deal can booked via Expedia
Click on Bundle & Save, Flight + Hotel, select business class and enter your dates.
To get the lowest possible price, you can select the option to make the hotel dates different from the flight dates, the minimum seems to be at least three days in a hotel.
The price is cheaper for 2 persons as the hotel fare is split across two people.
Here’s an example from Miami, April 7 to April 14 for two persons in a 5* Hotel incl. business class flight. (From Boston available from 2040$.)
Travel Dates
April, July and August seems to be the cheapest months, but there’s availability the whole year for around 100$-300$ more, which is still a very good price.
H/T: IAkH on Flyertalk
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