Premium-Flights APP (update)
We encountered some issues with our app after switching servers a few weeks ago, but this should be resolved now.
However, we are discontinuing our iOS app. For iOS users, but as well for other users, we’ve created a Telegram Channel (more info at the bottom of this page) to send you notifications about extra cheap offers.
Our Android app has push notifications and integrated search function.
HERE’s the Link to our app on Google Play
We’ve used a text to speech voice for this YouTube video 😉
Premium Flights APP
With our FREE app, you’ll never again miss out on a good deal.
We will give you deal alerts via push notification.
Assume you’re somewhere without direct access to your email when one of those wonderful fare discounts appears and needs to be booked within the next few hours before it’s gone again.
You won’t miss those with our app, since we will send you a DEAL ALERT via push notifications on your phone immediately away. (on some phones, Push Notifications needs to be enabled via the settings)
We will not bombard you with alerts, but will instead send you push notifications for excellent deals only.
For transparency, our app Premium Flights include ads as well, an ad free PRO version for Android is available for a small fee.
Telegram Channel
If for any reason you don’t like to install our app, or you are an APPLE or WINDOWS phone user, we have created a free to subscribe Telegram Channel, to receive our DEAL ALERTS.
Here’s the link for the channel premiumflights
Telegram is a chat and alert app available for ANDROID, APPLE and even WINDOWS phone users, and again it’s for FREE.
Download TELEGRAM: Android Version, Apple Version or Windows phone
If you don’t want to receive deals on your phone but still want to receive deal alerts, sign up for our newsletter to receive a once-a-week newsletter and deal alerts by email.
If you enjoy our blog and would like to support us, you can buy us a coffee 😉

Robert Friedman
Where is the Apple app?
Unfortunately, we decided to take the Apple app out of the store, as written in the post.
Hello team, it seems that the telegram link that was posted is broken.
Ok, our apologies, link to the channel is updated now.