Search for cheap Business or First class flights
In Business Class
Search Deals Departing out of Europe:
Search Deals Departing out of North America:
In First Class
Search Deals Departing out of Europe:
Search Deals Departing out of North America:
How to use the search function
There are 2 different ways on how to use our Search Function.
- You can either search by a city or by a country of DEPARTURE.
- Or you can look for a specific city or country of ARRIVAL.
On the top of this post, you will see a Search field/button where you can enter your desired City/Country of Departure/Arrival.
1. Search by City/Country of Departure.
Let’s say you live in Germany, close to Frankfurt, and you have no specific destination in mind.
You want to browse through all our active deals originating from Frankfurt. You can enter the city name Frankfurt or the airport 3-letter code, in this case FRA.
For this example, you search for “Deals departing out of Europe“.
Then you have to enter your city or country of departure.
For this example, Frankfurt or FRA then hit the Search Button. As a result, you will see all available active deals with departure from Frankfurt.
Of course, there won’t be hundreds of deals, as you limited your search to those departing from Frankfurt only.
You would find more results if you would widen your search and enter, for example, Germany. Now you will get all the available deals with departure from Germany, including those departing from Frankfurt, but also those departing from other cities like Munich, Berlin…
2. Search by City/Country of Arrival.
This is the best way to search if you have a specific destination in mind.
Let’s say you are looking for a cheap Business or First class flight to New York.
As for our example you are living in Frankfurt, you enter New York or NYC, JFK or EWR as your desired city of arrival in the field under “Search Deals Departing out of Europe:”
You will get as a result all active deals that leave within Europe to New York, for example Paris, London, or even your home city Frankfurt if a deal is currently available.
With the same logic, you can search for deals if you live in New York. You just have to switch to “Search Deals Departing out of North America:”
, and then enter your desired country or city.
Cheap Business or First class tickets
To get cheap business or first class tickets, you often need to reposition. If the destination is the one you are looking for, and the price is cheap, it often makes sense to buy a separate ticket to the place where the cheap flight originates from.
We wrote more about that topic here, How to find cheap business class tickets.
Here’s an overview of our top deals.
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Pallavi Gupta
interested in buying business class all around the world tickets for me and my husband. I wanted to check for reasonable price.
Take a look at this post.
If you need help, you may use the comment section in that post.